Our Founder & president

Not unlike many boys, Mansoor didn't always enjoy reading. After all most of the books in the libraries for boys were either comic books or books about sports heroes. Inspite of his joy while playing soccer, he wasn’t necessarily interested in reading about it. While taking creative writing classes, he would pen many small homemade mini books at the age of five years old. His Mother noticing how good his stories were decided to support him in writing what would be a seven part series of books focused on principles of character, environmental impact and entrepreneurship.

At the tender age of 5 years old, our Founder and President, Mansoor NDiaye authored and self-published his first book series. It is entitled, “Mansoor & the Mysterious Wheel” with the first book sub-titled, “I AM Dependable.”

While selling his books during a community event, owner of KTSB Enterprises, Mrs. Kimberly Sellers Bates was so impressed by this 11 years old and how he handled himself and the response other young people were having interacting with him. With this inspiration she decided to assist by filing a 501(c)3 IQRA International, LLC. to widen the impact footprint Mansoor could make in the world.

Mansoor learned from a Master Teacher that books when open looked like wings. Thus leading to Mansoor adopting the organizational tagline, “Read & Take On Wings.”